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Leverage real-time WatchData technical analysis data and insights to develop next-generation blockchain applications on Polygon.

Circle Polygon logo
$ 1 468
24h change
30 000 000 000
Market capitalization
Block time
~ 2 sec
Smart contract
Proof of Stake
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Scale for the Ethereum ecosystem

WatchData API follows a JSON-RPC standard, with methods that allow you to access the features of Polygon. The API is ideal for developers looking to build large-scale projects on Ethereum.

Advantages of Polygon

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Problem oriented

Polygon is leading the way in blockchain development by developing a unique and innovative consensus mechanism that is energy efficient, scalable and accessible for all.

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Scaling and flexibility

Polygon improves on Ethereum by using Plasma Chains, which group batches of transactions together, and Zk-Rollups and Optimistic rollups allow for the bundling together of multiple transactions.

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Easy Development

Polygon is a blockchain that offers dApp developers a flexible and secure way to deploy their applications. Its well-connected community of backers offers unparalleled support for new projects.

Want to Learn More About Polygon?

You can also get in depth information about Polygon by visiting the docs.


View API References, guides and tutorials for Ethereum, Polygon, Bitcoin, Tron and Binance Smart Chain.

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