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WatchData is a great opportunity to join the Tron blockchain or to strengthen your existing crypto infrastructure.

Circle Tron logo
$ 1 468
24h change
30 000 000 000
Market capitalization
Block time
~ 3 sec
Smart contract
Delegated Proof of Stake
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Make the TRON network available to more people

The JSON-RPC interface supported by TRON is compatible with Ethereum's, but they differ in chain mechanism and design. For example, TRON cannot support some interfaces on Ethereum, but it has its own APIs to create different types of transactions that WatchData will help you handle!

Advantages of Tron

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The most advanced blockchain-based operating system in the world, providing outstanding operating conditions for decentralized applications.

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Tron is running

The TRON protocol is designed for optimal network scalability by enabling high-throughput and instant transactions. TRON will also support a variety of smart contract systems.

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Web3 oriented

The TRON blockchain is used to create smart contracts for the development of DApps. These DApps offer various services, including DeFi and NFT marketplaces.

Want to Learn More About Tron?

You can also get in depth information about Tron by visiting the docs.


View API References, guides and tutorials for Ethereum, Polygon, Bitcoin, Tron and Binance Smart Chain.

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